Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall... Main Street Feeds can help you with it all...

Horse Feeds

  05/15/13 3:21:27 PM



14% Complete Horse Feed:      Protein 14%; Fat 3%


          1. Balanced mixture of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins. 
          2. Suited for performance horses, stallions, pleasure horses, or brood mares.
              (Lactation and gestation). 
          3. Provide pasture and/or quality hay and clean, fresh water. 




12% Horse Feed Textured:              Protein 12%; Fat 2.5%


          1. Use the same information as 14% Complete horse, except needs a better quality 
              pasture and/or hay. 




All Grain Feed:                       Protein 8%; Fat 2.5%  


          1. High energy grain mixture for cattle, sheep, horses, and goats. 
          2. This is not a complete feed. 
          3. For your type of animal, always feed the correct protein concentrate mix and
          4. Provide pasture and/or good quality hay and plenty of fresh water at all times. 



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